1. How do you define honesty?
Honesty to me is bluntness, with the other’s feelings in mind.
2. What is your biggest fear or worry?
My biggest fear would be the possibility of not being able to have children one day.
3. What is the main thing that makes you unique?
My tattoos and the meaning behind them
4. If you had to evacuate your house immediately, what is the one thing you would grab on the way out?
My dog, Tia
5. What facial expression or movement do you do when you are lying?
A dead straight face, I think?
6. What is the oldest item you own?
Probably some of my books
7. If someone was to give you one gift, money is no object, what would you want to receive?
A Marilyn Manson / Deftones concert ticket
8. What does it mean to have courage?
To be able to stand up for yourself or to confront someone about something that they will thank you eventually for, no matter how long it may take.
9. Do you like your name?
Yeah, don’t hear about many other Gemmas
10. Do you have a nickname? What is it?
G, G-Squash, G-Thang, Gem, Gem-a-lem, Gemstone, Gemima Puddle Duck, Yemma, Bug – the list goes on
11. If you could have any special magic, what would it be?
To be able to hear men’s thoughts
12. If you had three wishes, what would you wish?
To spend some more time with my gran who has passed away, to be able to achieve everything on my bucket list, to be able to die peacefully on my death bed.
13. What is your greatest strength?
14. What is your worst weakness?
Communication (in some aspects)
15. If you could predict the future, what would you do with that knowledge?
I would inform as many as I could and let them decide what they would do with it.
16. Is your favorite time the past, present or the future?
17. Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
Hopefully married, with kids and a stable career
18. Who is the one person that helped to make you who you are today?
Definitely my mother
19. If you were punished for a crime, what type of punishment would you choose?
Sexual harassment ha ha ;)
20. Describe a time you got into trouble.
Um, I can’t really remember – I vaguely remember taking tipex and tippexing everything in my mother’s house because she pissed me off for some reason – I was about 6 I think?
21. What do you do when you first wake up in the morning?
Make coffee and have a smoke
22. What makes you a good person?
The fact that I am willing to help others in any way I can, when I can. I’m too soft as well.
23. What would your obituary say?
Gemma-Louise Wright died on so-and-so date. Dat damn Bitch is gone!
24. What is your greatest regret?
Taking a family member for granted who has passed away
25. How would you describe standing on a beach looking at the ocean?
Relaxing and thought-provoking
26. What is your favorite outfit to wear?
Jeans, pumps and a t-shirt
27. What do you do when you are driving alone in a car?
Haven’t had the chance yet, but I would crank up the system
28. If a friend is being bullied or harassed by someone, what do you do?
I’d stand up for them, I have a big enough mouth to do so.
29. Reflect on the characteristics of your best friend. What makes him or her so special?
She is unique in her own way, she doesn’t take shit and she is probably the most trust worthy person I have met.
30. Has anyone close to you passed away?
Yes, a few
31. Describe a time you fell in love.
I have never been in love. I have mistaken love for infatuation, I hope to experience it one day.
32. Can you keep secrets? Describe a time you didn't.
Yes, I have learnt to keep secrets (the hard way). I told a friend that her then-to-be potential boyfriend had received sexual favours for giving a friend of his lifts. Wrong move.
33. How do you show your love for others?
By doing what they ask of me and by doing things to make their lives easier.
34. What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?
My ex bought me an iPod and hid it under my pillow, he knew how desperately I wanted one. Bless his heart.
35. If you could become anyone's friend that you want, who would you choose?
Someone who needs one
36. Are you the type of person with lots of friends or just a few close ones?
I used to be the type with just a few close ones, I have a lot of friends now from college and I have a relative amount of close ones – balanced J
37. What is one quality you admire most in others?
A sense of humour. I appreciate this the most. If I am able to rip someone off and they go with it, without taking offense.
38. Do you prefer to be with those who are younger or older than you are?
Definitely older, maturity reasons.
39. What is the meanest thing you have ever done to someone?
When we were younger, I convinced my sister that touching the light bulb wouldn’t burn her, which it did. I also used to chase her around with a prosthetic hand, which came from my dad’s garage – she was absolutely petrified of it. Sorry Megs!!!
40. Who is one friend from your past you want to reconnect with?
The friends I have left in the past, was for a solid reason. I can’t think of anyone I would want to reconnect with.
41. When did you kiss for the first time and what was it like?
I was 17, it was on my lounge stairs, with my mother asleep in the next room. It was horrible, really sloppy and wet.
42. Describe an activity that you think is truly romantic.
Having sex to your favourite songs, or songs that remind you of each other.
43. If you were to write a love note to your sweetheart, what would it say?
I’ll hold your hand, if you hold mine.
44. When you are in trouble, whom do you call for help?
My mom, my cousin Jess or my good friend Tiffany
45. Who are the people you love the most?
My family – they come before anything else.
46. If you could speak any language, what would it be and why?
I would love to speak German, it fascinates me.
47. If you had to pick one place in your town to bring a tourist, where would you go?
I would take them to Boulder’s Beach.
48. What is the one cause that you feel most passionate about?
Safety for children, protection of children against sexual and physical abuse.
49. If you lived in the pioneer days, would you have travelled west or stayed put in the east? I probably would have travelled, restless soul.
50. Which is your favorite non-profit organization? What do you do to help them?
I haven’t got involved in any (yet)
51. If you could travel to space, would you go?
No, I wouldn’t – the concept of nothing forever freaks me out
52. If you could move anywhere, where would you go and why?
I would love to go to Indonesia, the exotic part. From seeing picture of those areas, I could probably go through one of those self-discovery phases.
53. Would you want to travel the world on a boat in the sea?
It doesn’t sound like a bad idea.
54. When you travel away from home, do you miss it?
I get extremely home sick.
55. What is the greatest crisis we face as a world?
56. Describe your favourite vacation.
Visiting all the ancient Buddhist temples and sanctuaries
57. If you could write your own bill of rights, what would you include?
The right to express your own sexual orientation, with zero tolerance for discrimination.
58. What is going on today in the world that affects you the most?
Child abuse, sexual abuse against children, paedophilia.
59. What bad habit would you be willing to give up if it guaranteed you would live to be 100? I don’t really want to live that long, but if I did then I would give up smoking.
60. What is your favourite thing to eat?
Seafood, without question.
61. What is one food that you will not eat?
Olives and vegetarian sausages
62. What is your favourite way to exercise?
Walking to college.
63. If you had to choose to be blind or deaf, which one would you pick?
To be blind, I love music too much.
64. Have you ever been to a hospital? Why?
Nope, luckily not <touch wood>
65. If you could have someone else's face, whom would you choose?
Dita Von Teese’s face
66. Describe a vivid dream you have had.
I have too many to think of a particular one.
67. What physical feature do you least like about yourself?
My upper legs and my smile.
68. Would you want to know the exact day of your death?
No, thank you.
69. If you had to pick one hero, who would it be?
My sister.
70. If you could pick one thing to change about your school or job, what would it be?
The lateness of exams and holidays
71. What are you most proud of?
Of where I am today and that I have proven more than a handful of people wrong, they never thought I would be where I am today.
72. Are you the kind of person who wants to be the big fish in a little pond or the little fish in the big pond?
The big fish in the little pond, for a change.
73. Describe a time when you wanted to quit, but didn't.
A previous job, out of respect for my boss I stayed until I wasn’t needed any longer.
74. Mention one goal. When you hope to accomplish it?
To pass this year with good marks.
75. Is competition good for you?
I think so, just depends in what way.
76. If you could study anything you wanted in school, what would you want to learn more about?
World War 2, the interesting stuff, not the facts.
77. What is something you learned in school that you think is useless to you today?
Maths, Geography, Accounting
78. When someone fails at something, what should he or she do?
Try again, depends how much they want to achieve it?
79. If you could pick any career, what would you want to be?
A tattoo artist
80. Do you want to be famous?
No, recognised maybe, but not famous.
81. If you could become a character in a TV show or movie, who would you chose to be?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
82. What is your favourite outside activity?
Sun tanning on the beach
83. What is your favourite holiday and how do you celebrate it?
Christmas, spend it with my family.
84. What is your favourite sport? Do you play or just watch?
Not a big fan of sport, but soccer if I had to watch something.
85. Have you been on a roller coaster? What did it feel like?
Yes, love it.
86. If you had to spend a day not using any technology, what would you do?
Read a book.
87. Describe the perfect party.
Booze, good music, good friends and a camera.
88. What is your favourite type of art?
Tattoo work
89. What sport do you think you are the best at?
Is perving over guys a sport? ;)
90. Do you play an instrument?
91. Which is your favourite song?
Deftones – Change (In the House of Flies)
92. If you could be a cartoon character, who would you want to be?
Ariel from the Little Mermaid
93. What is the one thing that makes you laugh the hardest?
My college friends
94. What makes your family unique from others?
The fact that we have an odd sense of humour, we are extremely blunt with each other.
95. When you think back to your childhood, what was the hardest part about being a kid?
My parents divorce and being forced to grow up faster than I should have.
96. What are some of your family's traditions?
Spending December on the beach together, going away as a family together at least once a year, eating together at the dinner table, watching the 7pm news together.
97. Do you know how you got your name?
My mother’s cat, I think?
98. Are you like your parents or different? How?
I am very similar to my mother - personality and attitude wise, I look like my father.
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